Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Toddlers and Talkers

The babies are starting to act less like babies, and dare I say, more like toddlers. The last few days they have been walking everywhere and getting into everything. Mason is even trying to run, which is so funny because most of the time he just falls down. They can both stand up on their own now, and take off walking. They are trying to repeat words like cookie, ball, dog, cracker and today they said bye-bye to Syd when it was time to leave for school. They are even starting to play with each other. The other day Mason and Macky were both playing with the fire truck and having a blast. I love to see them interact with each other and play with things together. Babies this age don’t usually play with other babies so this interaction is just a ‘twin thing’, which makes it very cool to watch. I’m getting glimpses into the future, where all three kids can play with each other. I can’t wait!

Traffic jam.

I'll take that!

Sydney’s school has implemented a new reward for naptime. The kids don’t have to take a nap, but if they lay quietly then they get to pick a treasure out of the treasure chest. How many treasures has Sydney got to pick? Zero. She will not lay quietly during naptime. When I ask her about it she admits that she talks to her friends. This does not surprise me at all. In fact all I can do when I pick her up and her report shows “I wasn’t tired at all” is smile. She is my daughter and everyone knows how much I like to talk. Maybe if the treasures were things that interested her, instead of spider rings and stuff like that, she would be a little more enticed to lay there quietly. I guess for now she will just have to forego getting any treasures, I’m sure the talking is way more fun. Her poor teachers, they probably really look forward to that hour of quiet time. At least at home she still naps. Lucky me!

My little chatterbox.


Angela said...

What cute pictures! I cant believe how big they are getting! I cant wait to see you guys! :) That cracks me up about Syd, she never stops talking! haha! Too funny! Braeden totally used to love to play with others at that age too, he is like the only one, he has always been social! lol! And whats funny is he doesnt nap at home, and he has been naping a school! Crazy!