Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ina blogger

When I decided to start this blog I thought it would be a good way to record day to day things from our family and share it with our family and friends that live far away. I thought that I would share funny stories and pictures of the kids. I didn’t really expect to use to share personal type thoughts, however today I decided that this would probably end up being a combination of family stuff and whatever is on my mind. For a long time I kept a journal and I wanted to start one of all the funny stuff that Syd said or that the kids did so that I could have a record of it to share with them when they are older. Hopefully this will serve both purposes.

As for the title of the blog, Sydney still says, “Ina princess.” She gets confused and we are working with her to say, "I’m a princess". It recently dawned on me that these minor speech mistakes are slowly disappearing. She used to say, “eddybody” instead of “everybody” and it was so cute. I miss the mistakes. It makes me realize that she is getting too big. I look at the babies and I remember when Syd was their age. We had just moved to Missouri, my Mom was just finishing her cancer treatment, Eric had quit his job and I was starting a new one. It was a very crazy time for us.

Now things have settled down. We are back to having a nice, quiet, boring life and I love it. So, for now, I will continue to write about what goes on or what I’m thinking about.

Here are some recent, random pictures of the kids. I’m still trying to figure out how to add captions. Sorry if it looks weird.

Sydney the princess.

Macky just hanging out.

Mason surrounded by toys in the playroom.