Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday

Mason & Mackenzie turn 1! How on earth are my babies one already? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing them home from the hospital. Oh my, was I in for a shock. I knew that it would be crazy, but I thought, ‘I’ve done this before, at least I have experience, it won’t be too bad.’ I was wrong; it was more than a little intense. I had constant help from Eric, my Mom and my mother-in-law for the first two weeks and it was still nuts. My mom came over every day at 7:00am and stayed until 5pm and I needed all of the help I could get. I’m not even sure what happened the first 6months. It took me that long to get my bearings and start feeling like a human again. Then around 7months we started going to the gym and getting into a really good routine. I finally felt like I could manage everything, kids, laundry, cleaning and all the other mom/wife duties. Now they are a year old and time has flown by. They are walking and trying to talk. They are growing up and although it sounds cliché it really does happen way too fast. I’ve changed a lot in the last year. I feel like I’m a better Mom and wife since the twins were born. They were the perfect addition to our family of three. I love our family of five.

Trying out our forward facing car seats. We love it!

Getting ready for cake

Big bite!

This is yummy.

Nice icing mustache, Macky!

More please.


Angela said...

hahhaha ok that is great! I bet they love the carseats! And man Mas totally looks like a shrip compared to Macky!lol, Oh how time does fly! :(