Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Yesterday my Mom and I were in the computer room looking for Halloween costumes for the kids and they were in the playroom (yes, I know I’m a bad Mom for leaving them unattended) and we heard a loud pop. I got up to go in there as Sydney yelled, “Mommy, Macky broke the glass.” I thought ‘oh gosh, what on earth happened?’ I ran in there and there was glass everywhere. Mackenzie was standing in the middle of glass and was eating some of it, Mason was sitting with glass all around him and Sydney was standing just outside of the glass explosion. I yelled for my mom to help me get the kids out of the hazard area. Mackenzie had broken the glass that covered the front of the tv stand where the dvd player is. Thank goodness it was safety glass and none of the kids even had a scratch on them. I have no idea how they weren’t hurt. I vacuumed up the glass and cleaned the inside of the tv stand and within a few minutes the kids were back to playing and watching Tarzan (this time with me in the room, of course). I took some pictures of the glass just so you could appreciate what kind of disaster I’m talking about.


Anonymous said...

Holy cow Stormi...I bet that scared you to death! Glad they are all safe...life is never dull with children! :)

Angela said...

oh crap! That is bad!! Man that is scary! Good thing for Syd! lol