Monday, December 1, 2008

Too cute!

The kids were just too cute today. They were all in pretty good moods so I decided to take some pictures. We are getting our first family pictures taken in a couple of weeks and I’m so excited. I thought that I should probably start practicing with the kids so that they are less likely to freak out on the actual day. Who knows if this philosophy will pay off, but it is worth a try. So, you will probably see a lot of random pictures of the kids over the next couple of weeks. I also took a video of Mase and Macky talking. They are really trying to say a lot these days and I wanted a record of it. They are just so cute. I love listening to them. The noise is a little overwhelming at times, but it is still fun listening to them learn to talk. They can now say at least 8 words each.

My talking babies.

Too cute for school!

Plotting trouble.

So sweet.

Macky likes her bow.
Giving kisses.


Anonymous said...

Cutest kids ever. Sydney looks just like you Stormi. I have enjoyed looking at all the great pictures. You all make a beautiful little family. I'm so proud of you.