Saturday, November 29, 2008


I love Thanksgiving. It is probably my favorite holiday. Who doesn’t like getting together with family and stuffing yourself with yummy food? This year we went to Bartlesville and spent the day with my family. We had all of my favorite foods: chicken & noodles, cranberry salad, stuffing, red chile, and then all of the traditional stuff, of course: turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green been casserole, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and a few other foods that I’m sure I’m forgetting. This year I was responsible for the stuffing (my mother-in-law’s recipe, which I’m going to claim as my own because it is so good), the deviled eggs (which I don’t even like, but Eric does), and the noodles (I actually made/rolled them out the year.) I know, chicken and noodles is a weird thing to have at Thanksgiving, but it is a family tradition and one that has been passed down for many generations. I think we figured out that they have been in our family for well over a hundred years. My Mom learned from my Great-Grandma and I am learning from her. I guess I am destined to take over as family noodle-maker. I still have some years of practice ahead of me, but I accept the challenge. I only hope that I will be able to pass this down to one of my girls. I had a great day. I spent it surrounded by my family. I am so thankful for all of my wonderful family and friends.

Mason playing on the bike.

Macky playing outside.

I'm so thankful that Eric and I were able to visit my Great-Grandma (she is 92.5 years old) and take some pictures with her and the kids. She really liked watching them play. Mason kept trying to steal her tootsie rolls and she kept letting him. It was so cute. My Grandma has a hard time hearing so we had to keep telling Syd to talk louder. As we were leaving we had an interesting conversation with Syd.
Syd: We need to buy Great-Great Grandma some new ears.
Stormi: Where would we buy her some new ears?
Syd: At the ear store, of course.
Eric: How much would new ears cost?
Syd: I think they would cost about $10. That's what happens when you get old, you have to buy new ears.
Stormi: That is a good idea, but it doesn't quite work like that.
Oh, Syd if it were only that easy. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go to the store and buy new ears when you lost your hearing? Maybe Syd is onto something.
Mason with Great-Great Grandma

Sydney with Great-Great Grandma
Macky and Great-Great Grandma