Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Morning Fun and Random Ramblings

This morning Syd wanted to color, and instead of letting her do it by herself, we decided to make it a family affair. We covered half the table in paper. Eric and I each held a baby, and we started coloring. This was the first time that we have tried coloring with the babies. I don’t remember when Syd started coloring, but I’m pretty sure she was much older than the babies. The babies spent most of the time trying to eat the crayons. Macky finally got the idea of coloring and made a few lines. Mason, on the other hand, was much harder to convince. I was constantly picking pieces of crayon out of his mouth, but eventually, even he made a few lines on the paper. By this point, Syd is a professional artist. She can draw smiley faces, circles, and is even trying to draw letters. I took some pictures of our family fun. I can’t wait until all the kids can actually sit and color together.

Random Rambling #1
Syd has become obsessed with certain products on television. For example:
Syd: Daddy, is Mommy going to buy Ziploc bags?
Eric: I don’t know, why do we need Ziploc bags?
Syd: Because they will keep our food fresh and I like fresh food.
I walked in at this point and assured Syd that we would have fresh food and not to worry about the Ziploc bags. She then proceeded to tell me how to use the Ziploc bags.

Syd: Mommy, you put meat in them and zip them closed and put them in the freezer and they will protect the meat.
I was blown away. Did my three year old just tell me how to use a Ziploc bag? She has done something similar to this before, but not to this degree or detail. She once demanded Charmin Ultra, but that is a story for another time.

Random Rambling #2
I think now that Christmas is getting closer (less than 6 weeks away) there are more commercials on television. Syd has a definite knack for remembering nearly everything she sees or hears on the T.V. (as proven by the story above). This is a good and a bad thing. The good thing is she knows more Spanish than I do, thanks to Dora and Diego. Also, I’m convinced that Sesame Street helped teach her colors and numbers when she was very little. Now for the bad- She is constantly asking for things such as Bendaroos, Clippos, and other weird toys that I’ve never heard of. PBS has some strange toy commercials between shows. She remembers all of the products names for almost everything and, while I’m impressed, I’m also frustrated that the commercials are actually doing their job on my three year old. I will say that the Clippos are pretty cool and may make an appearance at Christmas.

Random Rambling #3
One of our neighbors recently put up his Christmas tree (you can see it from the street) and now, guess what? Syd is all but begging that we put up our Christmas tree. I asked her where we should put it and she said in her room so that she could see it all the time and the babies wouldn’t get it. This brought up an interesting discussion between Eric and me. Where are we going to put our Christmas tree? We have the perfect place for it, but it is right between the kitchen and the playroom. This is the highest baby traffic area in the entire house. Do we really want something so enticing directly in their path? Eric’s suggestion was to put it up in its normal spot, but leave the lower four feet bare. I can just see Mason picking an ornament off the tree and saying, “ball”, and then throwing it across the tile and it shattering into a million pieces. My idea is to put some sort of kid fence around it. That way, it is still protected from the kids and we will be able to put presents under it and they won’t be able to get to them. However, our kids are very creative and I can just see them trying to find a way to climb over the fence. I guess, for now, we have a few more weeks to think about it. What a crazy house we live in!
Eric & the girls.

Coloring is so much fun!

Sydney, my blooming artist.
Our art.

Mase & Macky sitting in time-out.
Too cute. I had to take a picture.


Angela said...

haha that is too funny! The clippos have been a topic of discussion here too! they do look pretty neat! Braeden is really into that stuff, and I think Reece will like it too! That is so fun you had a family coloring affair, we need to do that more often!

delmuro said...

When my grandma was here we were going to stop for dinner somewhere on the way to the airport. I said "How about Red Robin?" and Ellie replied, "Yummmmmmmm"