Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break

Last week was Spring Break. My father-in-law (Robert) came out for a few days on a last minute trip. It was so nice to not have school or anything else to worry about while he was visiting. We went to the park, which is becoming one of my favorite things to do with the kids. The kids played, we had a picnic and then went for a long walk. It was awesome!! The next day we went to the zoo with my friend, Val and her twin boys. It was quite an adventure. Five kids, three and under is never boring. We had a good time and the weather was great. My only complaint was the crowds. It was so crowded. What did I expect on a beautiful day during Spring Break?? We made it through in one piece and without losing any one. I think everyone had a great time. On the way home Robert decided to pick up supplies to re-finish our picnic table (it was in dire need). He worked on it until Eric got home and it looks great. I thought it was time for a new one, but I guess it just needed a Dad’s touch. Thanks Robert. I’m not sure who enjoyed a visit from Grandpa more, the kids or Grandpa. Either way, it was great to see him. We can’t wait for the next visit. Below are a few pictures from the last week. Enjoy!

Check out Syd's awesome balance.
Mason & Macky enjoying some juice at the park.
Syd on train.

Grandpa Robert and Macky

Macky, Mason and Syd checking out the animals.