Monday, March 2, 2009

Naptime? No Thanks!

As you can tell from the title, naptime has become quite a struggle at our house. It started with Sydney being “disruptive” at school during naptime. I talked to her teachers about it and they assured me that she wasn’t the only one and that they were, “dealing with it.” Needless to say, that was not sufficient for us, so we talked to Syd about her behavior. She reported that she couldn’t sleep because the other kids were too loud. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I do know that if other kids are talking then the chances of Sydney lying quietly are slim to none. Even though Syd wasn’t sleeping at school she was continuing to nap at home without too much fuss or complaint. For some unknown reason Syd is trying, with much resistance from me, to give up naps at home. This has been happening off and on for a couple of weeks now. Last week she told me that she wasn’t tired at all and didn’t know how to sleep. What the heck?? She has slept great nearly every day of her life and all of a sudden my wonderful little napper is giving them up, just like that? The whole ‘giving up the nap’ thing wouldn’t be that big of a deal except Sydney starts having major, major meltdowns in the early evening. I know it is because she is so tired, but seriously that doesn’t make them any easier to handle. I’m trying to come up with creative ways to resolve this problem. So far, Eric and I have come up with the idea of putting a clock in her room and telling her that she has to rest until a certain time. I’m hoping that this will work and, even if she doesn’t sleep, she will at least rest. Hopefully she will be a little less grouchy in the evenings. I guess only time will tell. Wish us luck.


Anonymous said...

Hey Stormi GOOD LUCK!!! I always fall asleep while reading. Maybe you could ask her to read herself a nap time story and maybe she will fall asleep. Or you can try the Murnan thing, fill her belly up turn on the tv let her lay on the couch and sleep will take over soon after. It has worked for the family for as long as I can remember! Give all em all a big kiss for me! Great site!!