Thursday, July 9, 2009

Better Late Than NEVER

I haven't blogged in WAY too long. I'm going to try and catch up then stay up to date. Here are some pictures from the last couple of months. I will give you the highlights.

April - Syd turned 4. How on Earth is my first baby 4 years old?? She is getting so big. Syd is an amazing little girl. She is so helpful, smart and FUNNY. I love watching her grow up. Below are a few pictures of her party. We kept it pretty small this year.

May - Mother's Day & Trip to ABQ. I had a wonderful Mother's day. I got to spend the day with my family and my Mama. We went to brunch at the Cheesecake Factory and it was YUMMY. We dressed the kids in their Easter clothes that they never got to wear. We also had a wonderful trip to New Mexico. We spent a week in Albuquerque that included a day trip to Las Cruces. It was so nice to see all of our family. It was relaxing and fun. Even the drive out and back went well. I can't wait to visit again soon.

All dress up and ready for brunch!

Pretty Macky

Grandpa and Mason in ABQ

Playing outside at Grandpa and Grandma's house. It was a little chilly!!

June - A visit with Grandad. Of course when Grandad come home it is all play and no work. We love having him visit and are sad when he leaves. We can't wait for August when he comes home again.

The Pirate Ship!! This was its maiden voyage.
Syd and the Pirate ship. She tried her hardest to sink it!!

Kiki and Mason at the pond watching the Pirate Ship.

Macky the water baby. I finally got enough floatation on her so that she can enjoy the water and I won't have a nervous breakdown. She is fearless!
Mason hanging out poolside.
We went to the pool several times with Grandad and Kiki. The kids love the water.