Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I’m back

I decided to take a break from blogging and going to the gym, which resulted in me getting into a little bit of a funk. This week I’ve decided to get back into my routine of going to the gym and blogging. I would love to say that a lot has happened over the last couple of weeks, but that just isn’t the case. It has been pretty boring around here lately.

The babies had a well child check-up last week. Mason is 32.5 inches and 25lbs and Mackenzie is 34 inches and 28lbs. They are huge! The doctor said that they are both (yes, both) on track to be about 6ft tall. She thinks that eventually Mason will be taller, but that he will probably be in college before that happens. Poor guy. They are both saying about 20 words, but that seems to increase daily. The other night I asked Mackenzie if she ate any of her food and she said, “I did,” Eric and I were shocked. The babies are constantly getting into everything. Their favorite thing to do right now is to open and remove things from the drawers in the kitchen. It drives me crazy. I think drawer locks are in our future.

Sydney still loves going to school and is doing really well. Yesterday in the car we came to a stop sign and she said, “Mama, that sign says stop, S-T-O-P, and it is an octagon. Octagons are one of my favorite shapes. I know all of my shapes, you know?” I was impressed. She is getting really good at identifying her letters. I guess she is officially a pre-reader. Now all we need to do is start working on what sounds the letters make. I think that will take a little more practice.

It wouldn’t be right for me to not mention the historic happenings of today. While at the gym, I watched the inauguration coverage, but was sure to get home in time for the actual inauguration. Eric and I’ve been trying to explain to Sydney the significance of today. She knows that today a new leader takes office and his name is Barrack Obama. I’m proud to see today. Regardless of your political affiliation, today is an important day in our history. I watched President Obama be sworn in with my Mom and the kids. The kids won’t remember, but when they are older I can tell them that they watched it on TV. Syd and I also watched the parade. She was so cute. She said that Michelle Obama looked very classy and asked why they were dressed so fancy. I tried to explain it the best I could. She really does understand a lot for a 3.5 year old. I’m looking forward to the next four years with President Obama leading our nation.

Sydney is too cool with her shades on.

Mason looking tough in his camo jacket.

Macky just being cute carrying her bunny.

Macky sitting in the drawer under the oven.

Mason just got out of the drawer. I guess the weight limit is more than 53lbs!