Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Today was a busy day. Here is my to do list.

Make banana nut bread
Sauté veggies for stuffing
Assemble & decorate gingerbread house
Wrap Eric’s presents
Go to Parent’s for tamales & posole ( hominy, pork and red chile stew YUM-O!)
Assemble picnic table and kitchen for kids.

Syd and I assembled and decorated the gingerbread house during nap-time. Hopefully Syd will be extra tired from skipping her nap and will fall asleep easily. She did a great job decorating the house. It was so much for both of us. I will say that engineers should be careful about doing projects like this. I wanted to make sure that it was perfectly lined up, and that all of the walls were square. I finally decided that most people doing these aren't engineers, so I had to just leave it with a crooked wall and a slanting roof. Syd was just as bad. She was very particular about where she put each piece of candy. She put a lot of thought into where she put each piece. She is so cute. This is definitely a project that we will do each year.

Even though today was super busy it was still a really good day. I got a lot accomplished (everything on the list except the last one) and was still able to have fun with the kids and spend time with my family. I can’t think of a better way to spend the holidays.

Well, I guess I should get off of here at start putting presents under the tree and assembling the kitchen and picnic table. It is going to be a long night and I have a feeling that it will be a very early morning. Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

cute pics. cant wait to see them

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been super busy. But it will be worth all the hustle . Love ya Mrs. C.