Monday, October 20, 2008

A rock? Really?

Today, a Police horse was going to visit Syd’s school and the kids could have their pictures taken on the horse, if they wanted. I knew that the chances of Sydney getting on the horse were slim to none, but I held out hope that she would get on the horse. Somehow, Sydney had gotten it in her head that the horse was going to bite her and she became a little obsessed. Eric and I both tried to reason with her and told her repeatedly that the horse wouldn’t bite her, but once she gets something in her mind it is pointless to argue with her. I hoped that she might give in to a little bit of peer pressure once she saw all of the other kids on the horse and go ahead and have her picture taken. I dropped her off at school and didn’t say anything else about it. I went home and my Mom and I took the babies for a long walk in their zoom buggies. They love those things. Poor Macky kept trying to fall asleep and, even though it was really funny, it was kind of sad. Finally, it was naptime and I was able to relax a little before I had to go and get Syd from school. Then, at 2:00PM, the school called. I knew it wasn’t good. I answered the phone and the director said, “Sydney put a rock up her nose and it is stuck.” My reaction was, “Oh jeez, I’m on my way.” I couldn’t believe she had put a freaking rock up her nose. What the heck was she thinking? I called Eric and told him that the school had called and the first thing he said was, “Oh, no did the horse bite her?” “No,” I said and then told him what happened and promised to fill him in on the details once I got to the school. Once there, the director gave me a flashlight and I could just barely see an orange rock up Syd’s left nostril. I loaded her in the truck and headed to Urgent Care. Once we arrived and signed in, they told us that if they had to use any instruments to get it out that it would be considered a surgical procedure and would be almost $300. I was in shock, $300 to basically use tweezers and pull a rock out of my daughters nose, really? I decided to call the doctor and take her there instead. Eric met us at the doctor’s office. In the meantime, Sydney had sneezed several times. We finally got back to see the doctor and she looked in Syd’s nose and couldn’t find the rock. We looked and looked and we couldn’t find it. Either she sneezed it out or it is so far up in there that she couldn’t see it. Only time will tell. I still can’t believe she stuck a rock up her nose. What a day. The whole parenting thing is really a kick in the pants some days. Its days like this that really could drive me to drink. Let’s hope that tomorrow is a better day or a least a little less eventful.

I love driving my zoom buggy.

I like going for 'drives' around the neighborhood.

Macky thinks Mase is so funny.


Angela said...

hahahah, sorry its pretty funny!